Sunday, May 13, 2018

Why Marx Was Wrong

The problem is one of extremes. Marx was wrong that only "by abolishing it [private property] could society’s class divisions be healed, and a harmonious future ensured." Conversely the same argument made by those who support unfettered capitalism is just as wrong. Either extreme leads to the same worst case outcome. We need free enterprise to support entrepreneurship and growth, but we also need action by the state to protect those who are left out through no fault of their own. Under both communism and capitalism, those in charge are loathe to give up their power and position and willing to go to any extreme to preserve them. President Xi is willing to tolerate limited private property and a few billionaires in order to keep power over the Chinese state. Republicans are willing to tolerate a modicum of social programs to maintain the control of America's donor class over the political process.

Marx Was Wrong

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