Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Tim was kind enough to drive us up to Innsbruck on Tuesday. It turned out to be an easier drive than I expected and we appreciated the help. Innsbruck is not large and it's pretty easy to walk around town. Innsbruck was Emperor Maximilian I's favorite city and he spent a lot of time there. However, old and and sick, he tried to make one last visit and the local burghers wouldn't provide lodging for him and his retinue. Seems he stiffed them the last time he was in town. He went on down the road to Wels and died. The Hapsburgs did leave a lot of cool things around, though. Here are some pictures.

These are some of the bronze statues surrounding Maximilian's casket.

This is one of the carved panels from the casket. The casket is empty. The emperor was buried in Wels, where he died.

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