Friday, December 2, 2016

Is There a Pattern Here We Should Be Worried About?

"The first thing you need to understand here is that Republican talk 
of “repeal and replace” has always been a fraud. The G.O.P. has 
spent six years claiming that it will come up with a replacement 
for Obamacare any day now; the reason it hasn’t delivered is that 
it can’t.
Obamacare looks the way it does because it has to: You can’t cover 
Americans with pre-existing conditions without requiring healthy 
people to sign up, and you can’t do that without subsidies to make 
insurance affordable.
Any replacement will either look a lot like Obamacare, or take 
insurance away from millions who desperately need it.
What the choice of Mr. Price suggests is that the Trump administration
is, in fact, ready to see millions lose insurance. And many of those 
losers will be Trump supporters."
Seduced and Betrayed

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