Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Longest Day(s)

In case you hadn't heard, our flights to Copenhagen were canceled yesterday, so we had to find an alternative route. Turns out there are no good options to get from Scotland to Denmark except by plane. So...

We're on the train to Copenhagen, and it looks like we are going to make it to the cruise. We're scheduled to arrive about 22:15, at which time we will have been traveling for about 34 hours. Some of it was on the ferry, where we got a little sleep, in bunk beds, no less, but it's been a stressful couple of days. I've been too frazzled to take any pictures, but they would have been mainly of harbors and train stations anyway. We don't know if our flight went today, but if it was cancelled, we wouldn't have made the cruise. We decided that we needed to take the best chance to ensure we made it, thus the rush to Hull via two trains, the ferry to Rotterdam and four trains to Copenhagen. All together, we've schlepped our luggage 10 times.

Turns out the train from Hamburg to Copenhagen also includes a 45 minute ferry ride. We had to get off the train, but we didn't have to take our luggage. It's a bit different from the last time we took a ferry to Denmark. That time it was overnight from Hamburg. This is a better deal.

Tonight we'll sleep at the Marriott (we hope) and board the cruise ship tomorrow.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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