Friday, March 6, 2009

My New Toy

I got a new camera this week. My Nikon S6 takes really great pictures--as long as the subject remains perfectly still. Unfortunately grandchildren do not remain that way very long. Plus I missed the flexibility that my old Pentax gave me to change the exposure and fiddle with the way my shots looked. So, I bought a Sony Alpha (Chris and Tim have a similar model and if  you've seen their pictures you know it is a very good camera--in the right hands). 

I haven't had a chance to try everything out yet (no grandchildren have crossed my path since I got the camera), but I'm beginning to learn the camera's capabilities. Here are some frames I shot in the last few days. The puppy got a haircut that needed recording and there were some more or less willing models available. Plus I wanted to record the first blooms from our Bradford pear and show how attractive our Yapon holly is (we have two, one on either side of the house).

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