Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Becoming Texans

For our anniversary, we decided to visit a part of Texas we hadn't seen before. We have a book called "Off the Beaten Path, Texas" by June Naylor. The book divides Texas into eight areas and suggests places to visit, eat and stay. The book was a bit spotty regarding information about attractions--some didn't live up to the hype in the book and the information regarding hours places were open was often wrong. But the book does give some ideas about things to see across Texas. We'll use it again, but we'll be more careful about checking the information in it next time.

The highlight of our trip (for me at least) was a stop at Washington-on-the-Brazos where Texas independence was declared in 1836. Here are some photos, including a reconstructed Independence Hall, where the declaration was signed.

We also saw some old oak trees that Susan really liked.

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