Susan has always wanted a bird feeder in our backyard so we can watch the birds from our breakfast nook. So, this year we put one up. It has been a great hit--both with us and the birds who have a new source of food. From an earlier post you know that it has also been popular with the local squirrel population, but more on that below.
Here are some shots of the birds we see most often. Some of them may be a surprise.
We have finches:
We have cardinals (who get along with the finches):
We have other birds, too, some of which we haven't yet identified. Here is one of them (some kind of sparrow we think) with a cardinal (eyeing one another warily):
While fortunately they don't try to sit on the feeder, we also have turkeys coming around to pick up leftovers. Here are two hens and their gobbler suitor, who played rear guard when Ginger spooked them.