Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Roses in Texas

For Mother's Day, our son and daughter-in-law sent Susan a very pretty miniature rose bush. We had it on the back porch in the basket it came in, but it wasn't doing very well. I transplanted it to the front of the house in one of our beds and it has really flourished. It just started popping out new blooms.

We hope it continues to do this well. One problem with raising roses in Texas is that the deer love them. We're hoping that the plant's proximity to the house and its location in the front will offer it some protection.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Ginger loves to keep watch. Here she is checking out activity in the neighbors' backyard.

Only to be distracted by something going on in the front of the house.

Sometimes there's just nothing going on.

We bought the rug because it went so well with Ginger.
