Sunday, June 15, 2008

Kristin and Bob's Wedding.

Our reason for going to the far northwest was to attend the wedding of some friends. It was a long trip, but it was certainly worth it. The wedding setting was perfect and all the activities surrounding it were great. The wedding was in an old church on the island. Here are some pictures of the building and its surroundings.

Shots of the wedding party. The bride.

The groom's family is of Irish descent, so they wore kilts.

The bride and groom.

There was even a bagpiper.

The reception was at the bed and breakfast where we stayed. It was a really nice outdoor setting and the weather was perfect. Here are some shots from the reception. ( I have some others that I'm saving for use later as blackmail.)

Mother and daughter.

Visit to Seattle

Posts have been pretty few and far between lately. We've been traveling a lot (not doing my golf game any good, that's for sure!). One of our trips was to Seattle and the San Juan Islands, mainly to attend the wedding of some of our friends from Chicago. We really hadn't spent much time in Seattle before and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. We took a harbor tour and a guided tour of the city. We thought they would give us the most exposure given that we didn't have a lot of time to spend there. It was a good visit, but I don't think I could live in Seattle. The weather is just too depressing. Seattlites delight in telling visitors that it doesn't rain as much there as it does in, say, Chicago. Probably a surprise to most people. On the other hand, the sun only comes out about 5 days a year. Mt. Ranier is less than 100 miles from Seattle and is alleged to loom over the city. However, we never saw it while we were there.

Here are a couple of pictures of Seattle's skyline from different vantage points--one from our cruise and one from a hill overlooking the city.

The San Juan Islands were very pretty and the weather was much better. Their geography is such that on Lopez Island where we visited we were actually north of Victoria, British Columbia. 

Here's a shot from the ferry that took us out to Lopez Island. If you look closely you can see Mt. Baker.

Lopez Island was idyllic. It was larger and had a more varied topography than we expected. It was a very nice setting for the wedding--but more on that in my next post.

Grandaughter and Ginger

In an earlier blog, I published a picture of our Chicago granddaughter and Ginger. Ginger loves all our grandkids but her affection is really returned by our granddaughter here in Texas--probably because she lives with dogs all the time. Anyway, the two them play together all the time (see my daughter's blog for some examples-

Here's a picture of the two of them checking out the backyard for critters.