I have noticed a couple of differences about retirement--I never know what day it is and I've stopped wearing my watch. It's not that time is less important, it's just that it's less important when it is. I do have to keep track of tee times, so on those days I do pay a little more attention to the time.
Speaking of golf, I'm still waiting for my game to come around. My main problem is not that I don't have any good rounds, it's that I'm really inconsistent. A couple of weeks ago I shot 90, which for someone who's played as little as I have over the past few years is not bad. But my 90 for 18 holes was made up of a 52 on the front 9 and a 38 on the back 9 (that's 16 over par and 2 over par). In Florida, I shot 98 one day and 83 the other on courses of equal difficulty. I'm hoping that the good scores are where I'll end up.
We wewnt to a pumpkin carving/backyard warming party at Chris and Tim's last night. It was a lot of fun. Tons of good food (Tim is a fabulous cook) and some pumpkin carving. Here are some pictures. My granddaughter as a cat:
And some pumpkin head:
Here's how I keep up with the grandkids. This is my daughter and me talking to my Texas grandchild:
She's an early Skype adopter. She also has pretty good hardware for a five month old.